A 1:1 journey to come home
to your brightest self
You learned early on that it wasn't ok to be you.
And in order to be ok, you needed to control your life and yourself, suppress your emotions and focus on making sure others were happy.
Perhaps you have said yes a lot when you wanted to say no.
Perhaps you're a bit of a perfectionist and need things to be a certain way to feel safe.
Maybe you go through cycles of complete burnout and can't seem to function. Or prioritise making sure everyone is happy and taken care of when your system is screaming - 'what about me?'
After spending years hiding behind masks and pretending to be someone you're not, you're exhausted.
Your nervous system is frazzled and feeling truly rested might be out of your reach.
You've been overriding your inner knowing about what is best for you and what you need. Prioritising others and giving to yourself last.
But your soul knows you best and has been giving you signals for years - through illness, exhaustion and overwhelm.
You're not living in alignment with your true self.
You have been standing on the sidelines of an aspect of your life looking in.
You might be great at work, but lack deep and meaningful connections.
You might be in a relationship, but you feel unfilled in your purpose.
Something is not right.
And either you've come to realise - that's not good enough, or your body and intuition is shouting so loudly you can't ignore it anymore.
Choosing a life of alignment sounds wonderful but the whole truth is that it can be challenging, messy and downright uncomfortable. You've spent years trying to fit in and not be weird and different.
To come back to who you truly are is going to feel like abandoning who everyone else thought you were.
So let me ask you beautiful soul:
'Is your frustration of staying the same and coming to the end of your life realising you have not fully lived - bigger than your fear of owning your desires and showing up as your true self?'
Then you're in the right place - and it's your time to come home to yourself.
Making significant change requires a safe container of support, and that's what I'm here for. Together we will map a path forward to experiencing and showing up as your true essence in the world that feels safe and doable, going at a pace that allows you to integrate this change.
As your mentor, space holder and evolutionary cheerleader I will help you to embrace your fears, stretch your comfort zone and set some inspiring intentions which will see you living your most aligned life in the very near and tangible future.
And because I understand that if it had been easy to change you would have done so a long time ago, we will delve in to the beliefs and disempowering emotions that are keeping you stuck in unhealthy patterns.
If you’re looking for a magic pill - this is not it.
This 1:1 journey is for those ready for change at a deep level.
How do you know if you're ready?
+ When you keep repeating patterns over and over again and you keep getting the same result.
+ When you've tried to do it yourself and you're exhausted.
+ When you're ready to have someone walk beside you and at the same time call you forward to your highest potential.
Then you’re ready for lasting change. The kind of change that takes work, but leaves you with a deep satisfaction and connection to yourself that you’ve been longing for.
The kind of change that will have you wondering how you ever lived like you did before.
If this is the kind of transformation you're up for - then you’re in the right place.
More dynamic and progressive than counselling, but slower and more meaningful than goal focussed coaching, this journey and sacred container that we create is an ongoing energetic commitment that pays off with lasting change built on the foundations of going at the pace that your internal wisdom is ready for.
With no fixed time frame, together we decide when it feels aligned to bring the journey to a close.
What's included ​
+ A free Exploration Call to see if we're a good fit
+ A foundational questionnaire to set the scene for the journey
+ The opportunity to set and see yourself living inspiring and heart expanding intentions with the support of your very own mentor, space holder and cheerleader
+ Weekly or fortnightly 90 minute sacred space sessions via Zoom
+ The opportunity to transform beliefs, fears, shame, relationships, attachment, the inner child, the nervous system, shadow work, and self worth
+ A focus on clearing the energetic path to living your intentions aligned with your true essence
+ Homeplay that is supportive of moving you forward step by step in a doable way
+ Email support between sessions
+ Relevant suggestions, inspirations, recommendations and information where appropriate
How we connect
Sessions are 90 minutes and conducted via Zoom either weekly or fortnightly.
Email support is provided between sessions
with a 48 hour response time Monday - Friday.
A sliding scale of GBP£70 - GBP£90 per session depending on your financial resources
GBP£260 - GBP£340 for a block of 4 sessions paid in advance.
Journey length
The length of your journey depends on the depth of your intentions
and the length of time it takes for you to see yourself living them. It is completely bespoke and designed to allow your system to go at a pace that feels safe and doable.
How I hold space
The holistic way I hold space sits somewhere between goal focussed coaching and counselling.
My approach is primarily of a somatic nature, and includes Mind, Body and Energy aspects, utilising a range of modalities and tools that I have trained in and accumulated for the past 15 years.
For more information click >>
How to get started
All this and much more can be discussed in our Exploration Call, a complimentary session designed to bring you clarity, and to ensure we are a good fit to work together.