As a trauma informed Somatic Emotional Empowerment Coach- I support sensitive souls who long for deep connection, and yet have a tendency towards quietness, anxiety, social ineptness and shrinking into the background.
I was hiding in plain sight for years. I adapted, masked and even distanced myself from people to avoid feeling like I didn't belong.
I no longer have to hide (unless I choose), and it is my greatest satisfaction to witness others who have felt small, unseen and have been adapting and dimming their whole lives to make others ok... to feel ok in themselves.
To experience liberation from this unconsciously self imposed oppression of shut down and shame - and instead make aliveness and social confidence their daily experience.
I want this for you too.
Known for being earthy and mystical as well as empathic and encouraging - I offer a space of compassionate curiosity, reverence and gentle unravelling to welcome you home to yourself in a profound, holistic and sustainable way.
I walk this path with you as someone who has lived this experience.
It took me many years, personal journeys, and dark nights of the soul to realise that the thing I always felt I was missing - was me.
I had covered her up so well, adopting the 'good girl' archetype and living in my Dorsal Vagal nervous system of shut down and functional freeze to stay small and unassuming to those who might want to control or abuse me.
I looked for home outside of myself for most of my life. Constantly seeking validation and guidance from everyone and everything but myself. ​
I know the pain of being disconnected from yourself, and what that does to your mind, body and energy. I have experienced significant life threatening illness, multiple autoimmune and chronic conditions, suffocating and sometimes violent co-dependent relationships, and a sense of loneliness and desperation that brought me to my knees.
It took multiple toxic relationships, including with a spiritual mentor I really admired, to realise my pattern of putting others on pedestals. That what I was searching for in others was me. The real me - the one I had lost when I adapted to others to survive.
Coming back to myself, and coming home to myself has been my full time pursuit for the past 5 years. The sweet nectar of feeling embodied in my aliveness without restraint or restriction, without fading into the background and staying quiet and small is something I deeply want to share.
As a result of being brave and not dying the terrible public death I had envisioned from stepping outside of who others expected me to be, I am here to lovingly guide you to align with your truth and shine in your true essence.
Because that's where aliveness lives.
There will always be a part of you that feels like something is missing, or is searching for something just out of reach if you don't take this leap. It will feel scary, it will feel out of your comfort zone, it will challenge you. But it will be oh so worth it!​
If your frustration and exhaustion of staying the same is bigger than your fear of showing up as your true self, then it's your time to come home to yourself.
I'm here to illuminate your path back to yourself - to the confident version of you that feels at home in yourself and in the world. The version of you that got lost when you learned to adapt to other's needs all those years ago.
Welcome to a space where you are heard, witnessed and revered in your full range of emotional states.
I'm here to show you that you that life doesn't have to feel so hard, and you have the resources within you to be the version of yourself you've been waiting for.
You are your own knight in shining armour. You can become the heroine or hero of your own life. Find out how here.
If you'd like to learn more about me check out my professional bio here...
Or click on the button to read my full story.